Thursday, January 14, 2010

CeriTa kebenaran Dan Hak

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

alhamdulillah, hari ini sya masih dikurniakan nikmat ilmu yg dikurniakan oleh Allah s.w.t kepada sy untuk menilai apakah sebenarnya hak dan kebenaran...

semalam berlalu dengan keletihan berfikir ...i admit that, i'm so tired to think about the issue...i do not want to blame anyone..just i want everyone understand the issue than make ur own decision....

although , i'm so tired and so angry with the issue , i very gratefuL that i had learned something yesterday..i got the experience that i never experience before...

insyaAllah with the knowledge, i will try to help as i could to fight for the right...
and insyaAllah i will use this experience to be a better person..insyaAllah..

i want to advise to myself and to all:

if we do not know about something, dont do it..u need a knowledge to do want you want to do..and think carefully the effects from every action you take...dont make a trouble to others and be moderate...and the most important, respect each other

to a future teacher and leader,
be moderate....lengkapkan diri anda dengan ilmu yang sebaiknya ...carilah ilmu itu...dengan ilmu shj la kita mampu melaksanakan tugas kita dengan sebaiknya..

i hope everything will settel in a harmony situation...and to all..think before act...