Saturday, October 24, 2009

Cerita Kolej Kediaman =)

Salam ceria

Alhamdulillah, hari ini kita masih dapat bersua bersama teman- teman dan berkongsi keceriaan dan kebahagiaan bersama yang tersayang..

Di kalam ini , saya ingin berkongsi sedikit cerita berkaitan kolej kediaman di IPGM KPI yang tercinta ini.

Minggu ini (19- 23/ 10/ 2009) merupakan minggu Pertandingan Kolej Kediaman peringkat IPGM . Dalam pertandingan ini, sebanyak 27 IPGM di seluruh Malaysia bertanding termasuklah IPGM KPI. The winner of this contest will get RM 10000. It's a lot of money and I think my IPGM will not be a winner for this year as we have a lack time to prepare for this contest. Perhaps we get that prize next year. InsyaAllah.

Semasa pertandingan ini dijalankan, beberapan orang wakil BPG (Bahagian Pendidikan Guru)akan datang melawat kolej- kolej kediaman di semua IPGM di Malaysia ini. Sepanjang minggu ini, memang peghuni- penghuni kolej kediaman bersengkang mata untuk menceriakan kolej kediaman masing- masing dengan semampunya dan menyiapkan fail- fail berkaitan kolej kediaman. Ada yang tak tidur hias kolej kediaman. Time nilah nak mengecat, nak tampal- tampal and nak susun- susun kerusi mana yang patut. JPP, Ketua blok, ketua aras dan ketua- ketua Ajk blok adalah antara orang yang paling sibuk minggu ni..

Honestly, we are not hopping to win in this contest but we are just hopping that not be the last.

For me, if we want to win this contest next year, the administration need to give us a budget for that. A biggest problem to decorate the hostels is money. No money no talk..huhuhu. But it not only about money, but the commitments from all the students to clean and decorate the hostels.I am very sad as I can't decorate my hostel properly as i am very busy with the final test (UAK) for last week, so i dont have a time to do it. Never mind, i will do my best next sem.InsyaALLAH=)

While the BPG comes, i get the opportunity to follow them to see all the hostels..(Thanks Hajar, Dayah n Kak Piqah bagi saya ikut.heheh). In my point of view, they satisfied with our hostel because it not so worst and i want to give a lot my respect to Blok B (Ibnu Khaldun -boy's Hostel) for their efforts to decorate their hostels very nice and beautiful compare the other 4 hostels here. Their hostels makes the BPG so proud with us.Just one, they said that they not found the 5 stars room in our hostels. erm..I think next sem, i will decorate my room as a 5 stars room like in 5 stars hotel.=)

Untuk semua penghuni- penghuni asrama, tahun depan kita perlu buat yang lebih baik untuk IPGM kesayangan kita ini. Buatlah sesuatu yang boleh kita banggakan setelah kita melangkah keluar dari IPIS ni... Untuk penghuni kolej kediaman perempuan, kita perlu lawan kolej kediaman lelaki yang selama ini memenangi pertandingan kolej kediaman IPIS. we can challenge them...InsyaAllah

Here, some pictures to see: